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    Stop Drugs & Violence in the Workplace Seminar presented by the DART Group

    Date: September 11, 2013, 7:00am – 5:00pm
    The DART Group
    Prairie Meadows Racetrack & Casino.
    1 Prairie Meadows Drive
    Altoona, Iowa 50009
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    Drugs & Violence are the two most pressing safety concerns for any buisness today.
    Did you know?
    * 73% of all drug abusers are full time employees.
    * Drug and substance abuse cost U.S. businesses approximately $170 Billion dollars yearly.
    * 1 in 8 workers use drugs while on the job.
    * Many on the job accidents are a result of impaired employees.
    In addition to that According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA),
    •about 2 million U.S. workers per year are victims of some kind of workplace violence.
    • In 2010, 1 in 9 workplace fatalities were homicides. • Homicide is the most common cause of workplace fatalities for women.
    Because of these alarming statistics this conference will be one of the most important training sessions you will attend this year.
