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    Monthly Chapter Meeting

    Date: February 10, 2022, 8:00am – 10:00am
    Cyclone SHRM
    Virtual Meeting (details sent to current membership roster)
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    Join us via Zoom on Thursday, February 10th for our monthly meeting to hear from Kelly Majdan and her presentation on Designing Wellness Programs That Resonate with Employees

    Employees say that wellness programs are important, yet when you go through the effort to implement them why is it so difficult to keep employees engaged, much less get them to participate in the first place? The problem is that most wellness programs are designed with the intent that your employees are ready to take action to improve their behavior. But what if they are not? How do you capture those employees who are sitting on the sidelines and encourage them to make lasting behavior changes? This informative session will help you answer this question and show you how to put a strategic plan in place to build, deploy, and monitor your wellness programs.

    Learning Objectives include:

    1. Identify the categories and types of wellness programs.
    2. Learn the key components to look for when selecting and designing wellness programs.
    3. Understand the five stages of change and how they tie into implementation of wellness programs.

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