Executive Committee Responsibilities
Do you have leadership skills that you aren't utilizing to their fullest potential?! Consider joining the leadership team of Cyclone SHRM! The Executive Committee position descriptions are below. Please reach out to a current Executive Committee member with any questions!
Executive Committee Duties and Responsibilities
President - Steve Fiorello
The duties of the President are to preside at all meetings of the Chapter, to direct all activities of the Executive Committee, to make an annual report at the end of the calendar year, and to perform all other services required by the bylaws of the Chapter.
Vice President of Membership
In the absence of the President, the Vice President of Membership shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee. In addition to those duties assigned by the President, this officer shall be responsible for the mailings to the members and will track membership records that provide data necessary to determine Chapter compliance with SHRM affiliation standards. The individual elected to this position will serve a three-year commitment with the first year being served in this role, the second year presiding as the Chapter President, and the third year being the Immediate Past President.
In the absence of the President and Vice President of Membership, the Secretary/Treasurer shall preside at the meetings of the Chapter. In addition to those duties assigned by the President, he/she shall be responsible for recording Chapter and Executive Committee minutes, maintaining Chapter records and directing the financial affairs of the Chapter.
Technology Chair
Maintains a state-of-the-art Chapter web site, oversees administration of the web site and domain.
Education Chair
Monitors and evaluates activities concerning education with regards to local schools, colleges and member HR Certification Institute certifications, responsible for an Education Report at each regular meeting of the Chapter and the promotion of HR Certification Institute certification.
SHRM Foundation Chair
Educates, promotes and represents the interests of the SHRM Foundation and its activities to the Chapter and shall be responsible for the Foundation Report at each regular meeting of the Chapter and the promotional activities to raise funds for the SHRM Foundation.
Diversity Chair
Educates and promotes diversity in the workplace to the membership by providing a Diversity Report at each meeting of the Chapter.
Immediate Past President – Julie Moss
Advises the President and Executive Committee regarding past practices, general operations and other matters to assist in the smooth running and transition of the Chapter.